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September 20, 2019 1 Comment
I began to wonder if the coffee beans before the brewing had gone through so many complicated procedures, and it would be necessary that the brewing also needs to go through a long period of time. I looked at the siphon coffee pot and said, "My impression of handmade coffee is that it takes a lot of works and it is very troublesome. It takes a long time to cook"
Jason走向了吧台,說:「 我們現在就來煮一杯咖啡,看看需要花多少時間。」
Jason went to the bar, "Let's make a cup of coffee now and see how long it take."
The pot was filled with water of about 93 degrees. After the gas was turned on, the water in the lower pot begins to boil and then the water slowly rose through the tube. At this moment, turned the firepower underneath to small. When the water in the upper pot begins to boil and the bubbles were stable, combined the upper and lower pot, poured into the ground coffee powder, and then gently stirred and stirred for 5 times with a stirring spoon. You could observe the layer of the coffee, at the top is oil foam, in the middle is coffee powder, and at the bottom is the coffee liquid. In 50 seconds, after gently stirring for 5 times, he used the wet towel to cover the pot in order to let the coffee on the pot quickly flew down through the filter cloth. After the coffee is completely poured into the pot, a cup of textured siphon coffee is completed. The time from boiling water to completing a cup of coffee is about 3 minutes.
I couldn't get my eyes off the change of coffee and forget about time.
三分鐘能做多少事?— 能給你一杯好咖啡
這三分鐘的時間很神奇,當你還專注地看著沸騰時的水,以及咖啡萃取時呈現的漸層色彩,還在驚嘆著這神奇的變化時,時間就這麼悄悄地過去,咖啡就這麼的呈上了你的眼前。 所以,虹吸式咖啡需要煮很久嗎?三分鐘說長不長,說短也不短,但看著Jason煮咖啡時的舉手投足,想像著自己也能如此迅速,但台上三分鐘,台下十年功,可以很貼切的運用於此。
It's amazing how three minutes slip through when you were still watching the water is boiling, and the gradual color of the coffee extraction. Next moment, coffee was ready. So, does siphon coffee need to be cooked for a long time? Is three minutes a long time for cooking coffee? It's probably too short to watch the master skilled cooks.
「 煮虹吸式咖啡好玩的地方就在於,對於新手而言,即使你使用同一種咖啡豆,但你每次煮出來的咖啡可能都大不相同啊!如果不花時間好好研究,可能花上一年的時間你都無法煮出品質相等的咖啡,但這過程會讓你每天充滿樂趣呢!」Jason這麼說。
Jason said: "The fun for the beginner to cooking siphonic coffee is, even if you use the same kind of coffee beans, the flavor of coffee you make may vary every time!
If you don't take the time to study it, it maybe takes you a year to make your quality consistent. But the learning process will make you happy every day!" A high-end coffee requires time to wait and learn, it can't be rush.
「 我們可以從表面的判斷,例如:你喜歡甜度高,還是喜歡帶有酸酸的口感?但是沒有人可以幫你決定適合你的咖啡豆,因為僅有多品嚐,多試著了解每個咖啡帶給你在嗅覺與味覺上的不同感受,你才會知道最適合你的是誰。」
Jason進口的優質咖啡中,以牙買加藍山與麝香貓咖啡最具代表性,Jason 讓我聞聞這兩種高貴的咖啡品種,優質的咖啡豆有著深褐色的色澤,以及多層次的香味。而我至今也才了解,原來生豆是沒有什麼咖啡香氣的,但透過精準的烘焙方式,就可以賦予咖啡豆新的生命,就像有了靈魂般。
Among those good coffee imported by Jason, Jamaica Blue Mountain and civet coffee are the most representative. Jason let me smell these two noble coffee families. The high-quality coffee beans have a dark brown color and multi-layered aroma. I have only learned until now that raw beans have no coffee aroma, but through precise baking, they can give coffee beans a new life, just like it's given a soul.
Finally, I asked: "From the import of beans, baking, to cooking coffee, it sounds so busy, will you have time to enjoy a cup of coffee?"
Jason said: "Tasting coffee is something I have to do every day. Things are also the things I enjoy the most! I will always have time for it!"
我想,再忙也要好好品嚐一杯咖啡可以說是La Cuisson Cafe(老桂松咖啡) 最好的註解了!
I think that concludes the spirit of La Cuisson Cafe, you should never be too busy to not having a cup of coffee!
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November 26, 2019