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Desk+1 Tree of Life

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Desk+1 Tree of Life (Designed & Made in Taiwan)

★ The forest nurtures millions species of lives and a tree provides shelter for animals and humans.
★ Tree of Life is the place for your treasures, and it is also the display to show off your accessories including ring, bracelet, earrings, etc.
★ There are 6 trunks of Tree of Life, supported by a piece of metal base. The mirror polished surface can reflect the bling blings on the tree. It is easy to adjust the directions of branches by turning clockwise.
★ You can set up individual Tree by the numbers of the branches or combine two sets to build up a large Tree.
- Materials: iron coating with Chromium, screws, nylon washers
- Dimension: 186 x 186 x 172mm
- Weight: 240g
生命之樹 展示架 (台灣設計製造)
★ 大地萬物孕育於森林,而樹就像是個小小的森林,象徵自然生命的力量,萬物的起源。
★ [生命之樹] 為萬物提供了一個棲息地,在此爭奇鬥艷! 同時也是展示及收藏飾品、小玩物的好地方,隨您玩味〜
★ 由6支小樹枝和一金屬展示架支撐〜 分支可以簡單順時針轉動調整方向。
★ 隨心所欲組裝樹的高度和數量。


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