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KOSE Clear Turn Uruuru Moisture Bomb Face Mask (7 sheets) 高絲水潤爆彈面膜 7枚装

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KOSE Clear Turn Uruuru Moisture Bomb Face Mask (7 sheets) 高絲水潤爆彈面膜 7枚装



[Details of Clear Turn Uruuru BOMB Mask]
● Popular illustrator, Miyama Ayumi, collaboration design mask.
● Plenty of bomb-grade moisture is supplied to skin suffering from dryness.
● For skin that tends to be extremely dry and moisturized, it will be smooth and moisturized.


[How to use]
・ Please use for clean skin after cleansing.
・ After using the mask, it is more effective to moisturize the skin with milky lotion or cream.


・ Please use the removed mask immediately.
・ For hygiene reasons, do not use the mask once used again.
・ Avoid using the product for a long time or going to bed with the mask on.
・ Do not flush the sheet into the toilet as it does not dissolve in water.


クリアターン うるうるBOMBマスク 7枚入 :at-4971710521597:くすりの勉強堂 アネックス - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング

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Clear Turn Uruuru BOMB Mask 7 Sheets Kose Cosmetics Port | LOHACO PayPay Mall Store | 02

Clear Turn Uruuru BOMB Mask 7 Sheets Kose Cosmetics Port | LOHACO PayPay Mall Store | 03

Clear Turn Uruuru BOMB Mask 7 Sheets Kose Cosmetics Port | LOHACO PayPay Mall Store | 04

クリアターン』から人気のイラストレーターとコラボしたシートマスクを8月23日より新発売|PR TIMES|Web東奥

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